Monday morning post-benefit. Bobby and I are recuperating. We had a great, big, satisfying, packed, challenging, rewarding and beautiful weekend of our first benefit for The Secret City. Lots of new people came out, and wonderful old friends turned up, and a great batch of Secret City stalwarts grounded the event in community. Thank you to everyone who participated. Feels as if the mission is exploding now...with the article in American Theatre, and now the benefit...word is spreading and the secret isn't secret anymore, to quote Doris Day.
We made about a thousand dollars--the tallying is incomplete. But, COME ON! From four people on the floor last October to our first benefit this past weekend, and a beginning list of donors and supporters. And that means we have the beginnings of an operating budget for the services. YAY!! Refreshments may now be purchased and film may be bought, and we can even look at getting a projector of our own.
HELLO NEW YORK was great, so fun to get to do the songs again with Jeremy--he's the best.
(BTW-we're working on getting the cds for sale here on the blog, and a paypal account hooked up so people may make donations. The Secret City bank account is in the works, have to do a DBA...)
Oh, and having Emma Griffin at the helm, providing directorial support was just wonderful--what a GEM!!
We're talking about developing the show further, adding a bit more spectacle, a little structure...I'll keep you posted on that.
Now, there's a sort-of day off, although we do have to go to the 'white cloud' on 14th st and pick up all the stuff from the weekend and bring it back home. But I think there will be a nap later.
Then there will be follow-ups on the benefit--want to thank everyone personally who came out.
THEN- it's time to get the next service built, December 21st. DARKNESS is the theme, inspired by The Winter Solstice. We already have some cool things lined up. And i think the house will be nice and full.
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