Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hello style mavens. Our next service is this Sunday, February 22nd
and our theme this month is STYLE. What better way to combat these
late-winter, recessional/depressional blues?

I'm thrilled about the way the service is coming together.

We have Jeremy Bass playing Songs from Brazil on guitar.
Jack Lawhon is preparing an Opera Cake (!) for the food offering.
The walls will be adorned with stylish iconography submitted by our
most stylish friends.
We'll be screening an excerpt from STYLE WARS, the documentary
about New York subway graffiti in the 1980s.
Joanna Adler will be sharing some epigrams from Coco Chanel and
we will be having a participatory fashion show WITH PAPARAZZI!
And we'll be listening to some Bowie together.

As usual, we'll have out regular, juicy features like The Cultural Calendar,
the Mingling Ritual, Our Gratitudes, Meditation and coffee hour. And, of
course, The Secret City Singers will be with us, too, spreading the love.

I hope you can join us.

The Secret City
137 W. 14th St.
february 22nd, 1130am

Oh, and with the theme being STYLE, please dress.

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