Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Dark of Winter

Things are born in the dark. Today was no exception.

What a glorious gathering we had today, in honor of the winter solstice. Thanks to all the people who braved the nasty, nasty winter weather (freezing rain!!) to sit in the 'white cloud' on 14th street and celebrate the creative spirit. The Darkness is a particularly rich theme for artists, and it was a fittingly 'deep' service...

My own experience of making the services now is this: one needs to do much less in the form of pushing one's will on the world, exerting influence and forcing things to go one's is more important to find the work that is most important and to make it, and to refine it and to approach with consistency and care and authenticity. Then do it with regularity and intention. This is how the world comes to find you, how people see who you are and what your values are.

As I mentioned in the sermon today, solstice comes from the latin, sol meaning sun, and sistere, to sit still. Today I felt the power of 'sitting still' in my life here in New York, of showing up consistently. This is how the services have grown and how the Secret City has blossomed over the course of the year or so since it began...

Lately, my one word mantra has been, 'deepen', and this is what I'm experiencing in my life now--the great deepening of life. to stand still and face the world, to dig down into the world, into the planet, into the source and mystery of life...this is what I long for deepen my connection to the world I am in, rather than looking for a new place to go, or a new thing to do, or a new way to be..

So, thank you all who took part today--we had an amazing amount of new people, and a great collection of dear stalwarts. It is exciting to watch this incredible piece of live, collaborative art unfold. And to be a part of it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Darkness Visible

Was that the title of that book by Styron? On losing his mind? I think so. Great title. SO, the service is coming together--and it's a very exciting line up. No, that makes it sound like a night of stand up. WHICH IT IS NOT. But, the various parts and pieces are coming together in a very beautiful way. The real thrill of making The Secret City, is how the service comes together each month, and how it sends me into the world, and the people I meet and the collaborations that are blossoming as a result.

So, DARKNESS--lightlessness, blindness, winter, sensory deprivation, shadows, rebirth, depression, the night sky...all of these things are in the stew this month. Here's a roster of what's happening.

Steve Giovinco will share his photographs taken in the dark
Daniel Jones will sing Odetta for us
Kelly Stuart is making an audio piece of an interview with Albert Rizzi, who lost his sight three years ago.
Emma Griffin will present her family's fruitcake'
Betty Shamieh will read the poetry of Denise Levertov
The Secret City Singers will be back for more fun.
And, we'll see some sketches of the new robes being designed for them by NIkki Hughes.
Jeremy Bass will play the lute for us--English Renaissance music.
And Jeremy and I will perform a song in there somewhere.

AND, we'll have out usual juicy features--The Mingling Ritual, The Cultural Calendar, Meditation,
The Reciting of The Gratitudes. And, I'll read my latest art-sermon, this month's adventure
was a visit to a floatation tank. YIPPEE!!!

It's going to be a lovely service, the end of an incredible year. Please come if you can.

The Secret City
December 21st
1130 am
137 W 14th St

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Preparing for Darkness

For the theme of Darkness...the notion of fear or difficulty comes into play. But, I want to examine what is rich and valuable about the dark. I've been thinking a lot about Bellevue--mental hospitals in general...that was the most terrifying thing to me when I was a kid. Those movies about people being locked away--The Shuttered Room with Carol Lynley comes to mind...where she had been chained to the floor in the attic of a house and locked inside for years! And corridors of crazy people lurking in the shadows of ancient hospitals. And whenever the word Bellevue would be mentioned--it was terrifying. So when I was thinking about darkness, and the power of that word, I thought about depression, and of course mental illness. And Bellevue, which is at the end my street going east, btw...the old building with it's ivy covered columns out front...cold and scary. So, that is one major idea. But, for the sermon, and the excursion i usually take to prompt it, I didn't want to write about Bellevue specifically, oh I think it will go into the mix, for sure...but I was thinking about something else to do. So go somewhere dark, to go into the dark. to be in darkness. And so on Friday I have an appointment to float. In a sensory deprivation chamber. I'm thrilled.

Thursday I'll meet with Kelly about the film, and there will probably be some Bellevue footage in there. And other things. But for now I'm gearing up for a float.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Monday morning post-benefit. Bobby and I are recuperating. We had a great, big, satisfying, packed, challenging, rewarding and beautiful weekend of our first benefit for The Secret City. Lots of new people came out, and wonderful old friends turned up, and a great batch of Secret City stalwarts grounded the event in community. Thank you to everyone who participated. Feels as if the mission is exploding now...with the article in American Theatre, and now the benefit...word is spreading and the secret isn't secret anymore, to quote Doris Day.

We made about a thousand dollars--the tallying is incomplete. But, COME ON! From four people on the floor last October to our first benefit this past weekend, and a beginning list of donors and supporters. And that means we have the beginnings of an operating budget for the services. YAY!! Refreshments may now be purchased and film may be bought, and we can even look at getting a projector of our own.

HELLO NEW YORK was great, so fun to get to do the songs again with Jeremy--he's the best.

(BTW-we're working on getting the cds for sale here on the blog, and a paypal account hooked up so people may make donations. The Secret City bank account is in the works, have to do a DBA...)

Oh, and having Emma Griffin at the helm, providing directorial support was just wonderful--what a GEM!!

We're talking about developing the show further, adding a bit more spectacle, a little structure...I'll keep you posted on that.

Now, there's a sort-of day off, although we do have to go to the 'white cloud' on 14th st and pick up all the stuff from the weekend and bring it back home. But I think there will be a nap later.

Then there will be follow-ups on the benefit--want to thank everyone personally who came out.

THEN- it's time to get the next service built, December 21st. DARKNESS is the theme, inspired by The Winter Solstice. We already have some cool things lined up. And i think the house will be nice and full.


Saturday, December 6, 2008


This is a shorty by Kally, to promo our first benefit, a cabaret called HELLO NEW YORK with original songs by Jeremy and me. For the promo, Kelly cut together some footage from The Day of The Dead service (OCT), featuring Gabriella Barnstone in her dance as a corpse bride, and Joanna P. Adler reading her piece, Why I Come To The Church of The Secret City. You'll also see Jonathan Lester handing out a taste of mashed rutabega (sp?)...which was the food offering for the November service. It was delicious!! You'll spy a quick glimpse of the photo The Graces, by Joel Peeter Witkin, which was the featured piece of art for that same service, whose theme was GRATITUDE. OH, one more thing--at the end, you'll hear and see The Secret City Singers, who made their debut at the November Service... Our little mission is GROWING!!!

The benefit is this weekend, tonight in fact...and I have to go get ready.


This film, also made by Kelly Stuart, was inspired by Thanksgiving. I try to take an adventure for each service, something related to the theme, and then i write the sermon based on that journey.. So, In November, Bobby and I went up to Plymouth rock, and Kelly gave me her little video camera to shoot some stuff on location at the Mayflower 2 and Plymouth Rock...amazing. Then we came back to the city and wrangled the incredibly telegenic Katie Barrett into being our 'on screen presence'...we had a profound day downtown at the Musuem of the Native American...and more, as you'll see. Did someone say, cookies?

It's incredible how the films have impacted the services...they really bring in the outside world, and stir up and deepen all the ideas of the theme...

This film was screened at the service on November 23rd, and our theme was GRATITUDE, inspired by Thanksgiving Day


Check out this short film by Kelly Stuart. Kelly is a playwright and filmmaker, we knew each other in LA years back and reconnected through The Secret City. She said she wanted to make a film for the service...I said yes. Duh. Then Kelly said she thought it might be fun to shoot some footage of me in the days prior to the service, getting things together. I told her that if she really wanted to see what's amazing about making each service, it's to go on the adventure beforehand...that's what we did. 

This was made for our service on October 26th, the theme was THE DAY OF THE DEAD. Amazing what you find when you go looking...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Long time no blog. I'm dreadful at this, but working on it.

VERY busy times for the Secret City...we have our first benefit this weekend.. Jeremy Bass and I will be performing a whole bunch of our New York songs to raise money for The Secret City The show is called HELLO NEW YORK, directed by Emma Griffin. And then, TODAY, American Theatre Magazine came out with the article on the Secret City!! You know when your expectations are actually surpassed? How that can bring you to your knees? Or to your senses? Or to tears? Well, one or all of those things happened for me today when I read the was RIDICULOUSLY validating. And timely.

So, the benefit is coming along: we have a short film about The Secret City being edited right now...there will be cds for sale of New York songs...people are showing up to volunteer to take tickets and print programs, three lovely ladies have agreed to be hostesses, my boyfriend is going to tend bar...AND, I think some audience are going to show up, too.

Miracles abound.